A weekly podcast for upper beginner to intermediate learners of Japanese. Listen to Yumi talk about... whatever she wants to talk about. Practice your listening comprehension with natural (howbeit slightly slowed down) Japanese on various topics such as Japanese culture, fun idioms, and, of course, cats. The episodes can be enjoyed in any order. -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript and a list of key vocabulary. www.MakotoPlus.com
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Hurricanes and typhoons. Not much fun, but both Japan and where Yumi currently lives, Florida, experience them annually. Japan not only has typhoons but other natural disasters— particularly earthquakes. Therefore, Yumi reasons, Japanese people tend to have a higher sense of crisis and therefore make tons of preparations. Listen as she compares Japan and Florida’s preparations for bad weather.
台風(たいふう)とハリケーン typhoons and hurricanes
同(おな)じもの same thing
気象現象(きしょうげんしょう) weather phenomena
熱帯(ねったい) tropics
低気圧(ていきあつ) low (atmospheric) pressure; low-pressure system
毎年(まいとし) every year
大型(おおがた) large-scale
中部(ちゅうぶ) central region
北中部(ほくちゅうぶ) north central
直撃(ちょくげき) direct hit
被害(ひがい) damage
食料(しょくりょう) foodstuffs; food
戦々恐々(せんせんきょうきょう) trembling with fear; filled with trepidation
やや強(つよ)かった somewhat strong; a little strong
ホッとしました to feel relieved
9月中旬(がつちゅうじゅん) middle of September
ドキドキ heart beating fast; thrilled; scared
によると according to
一安心(ひとあんしん) feeling of relief; peace of mind
海岸(かいがん) coast; beach
川岸(かわぎし) riverbank
護岸工事(ごがんこうじ) levee protection works
建設(けんせつ) construction
テトラポット concrete breakwater objects that look like large jacks off the coast in Japan
堤防(ていぼう) embankment; levee
自然(しぜん)のまま natural; as nature intended
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
The exciting conclusion of Yumi’s “cleaning the dryer vent” two-part series. Okay, maybe not too exciting, but there are a number of useful vocabulary words (see below), and she ends with a lesson how this relates to learning Japanese.
詰(つ)まっている clogged
乾燥機(かんそうき) dryer
穴(あな) hole
私自身(わたしじしん) myself
直(なお)したい want to fix
ホームセンター DIY store; home improvement store
業務用(ぎょうむよう) industrial use
大型掃除機(おおがたそうじき) large-sized vacuum cleaner
馬力(ばりき) horse power
吸(す)い込(こ)む to suck up; to inhale; to breathe in
節約(せつやく) economizing; saving money
無駄(むだ) waste; no use; pointlessness
一切(いっさい)ありません none whatsoever; not at all
真空(しんくう) vacuum
隙間(すきま) crack; opening; gap
一旦(いったん) once; for a moment; temporarily
真(ま)っ黒(くろ)い pitch black
空気(くうき)が通(とお)っている air is flowing through
通常通(つうじょうどお)り as usual; as normal
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Yumi is a do-it-yourselfer. With the help of YouTube, she has learned how to fix quite a few things around the house. But this time, it was a big challenge. The dryer’s vent going outside was clogged and the length and angle of the vent made reaching the clog very difficult. Listen as she describes the challenge.
乾燥機(かんそうき) dryer
調子(ちょうし)が悪(わる)い in bad shape; not doing well; out of condition
洗濯物(せんたくもの) laundry; the washing
乾(かわ)かす to dry
一般的(いっぱんてき) general
生乾(なまがわ)き half-dried
湿(しめ)ってる damp; moist; wet
点滅(てんめつ) flashing; blinking
説明書(せつめいしょ) manual; printed instructions
熱風(ねっぷう) hot air
詰(つ)まっている clogged
空気(くうき) air
火事(かじ) fire
危険性(きけんせい)がある hazardous; risky
検索(けんさく) search
距離(きょり) distance
謳(うた)い文句(もんく) promotional line; catchphrase; slogan; advertised claim
素人(しろうと) amateur
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Nihongo no Tane 103 息子君 A Friend’s Son | Japanese Immersion podcast
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Last week, a friend of ours brought his son over to talk about Japan. This young man really wants to move to Japan. Yumi felt a little nostalgic after the meeting. His strong desire to learn Japanese and live in Japan reminded her of her husband Clay when he was younger. Today, she tells a little more about this son and the challenges he has to overcome.
前回(ぜんかい) last time; last episode
息子(むすこ)くん (other person’s) son
我(わ)が家(や) my home; our house
遊(あそ)びに来(き)た came to visit
若者(わかもの) young man
憧(あこが)れている longing for; admiring; attracted by
田舎町(いなかまち) small town; country small town
同(おな)じ年頃(としごろ) about the same age
あっという間(ま)に in no time
話(はな)し相手(あいて) conversation partner; someone to talk to
文化(ぶんか)に浸(ひた)りたい to want to be immersed in (Japanese) culture
軍隊(ぐんたい) military
眼科(がんか)の先生(せんせい) Ophthalmologist; eye doctor
基地(きち) (military) base
ポロリ(ぽろり)と漏(も)らした let slip
宣言(せんげん) declaration
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Japan is a very safe country. It is also very clean. There isn’t much garbage on the streets as you might see in other countries. However, there aren’t many public garbage cans. Listen as Yumi explains the connection between the lack of garbage cans and public safety.
先日(せんじつ) the other day
我(わ)が家(いえ) our house; our family
長年(ながねん)の友達(ともだち) long-time friend
息子(むすこ)さん (his) son; someone else’s son
遊(あそ)びに来(き)ました came over; came to visit
一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい) with utmost effort
文化(ぶんか)や歴史(れきし) culture or history
禅(ぜん) Zen Buddhism
話題(わだい)になった became a topic of conversation
テロを防(ふせ)ぐため in order to prevent terrorism
即答(そくとう) immediate reply
地下鉄(ちかてつ)サリン事件(じけん) Tokyo subway sarin gas attck
オウム真理教(しんりきょう) Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult that mixed elements of Buddhism, Hinduism, and end time Christian beliefs
宗教団体(しゅうきょうだんたい) religious group
毒(どく)ガス poisonous gas
一切(いっさい)なくなりました completely disappeared; all gone
不思議(ふしぎ)な国(くに) strange country
殺人事件(さつじんじけん) murder incidents
凶悪犯罪(きょうあくはんざい) atrocious crimes
例(れい)がない unprecedented
安倍元総理大臣(あべもとそうりだいじん) Former Prime Minister Abe
手作(てづく)りの銃(じゅう) handmade gun
記憶(きおく)に新(あたら)しいところです fresh on one’s mind; fresh in one’s memory
違法(いほう) illegal
猟師(りょうし)さん hunter
手先(てさき)が器用(きよう)な skillful; dexterous with one’s hands
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
The 101st episode. Today, Yumi shares some details and trivia about a 1991 hit TV drama called The 101st Proposal starring Takeda Tetsuya and Asano Atsuko.
101回目(かいめ) 101st time
101回目(かいめ)のプロポーズ 101st Proposal (1991 Fuji TV drama)
平成(へいせい)3年(ねん) Heisei 3; 1991
フジテレビ Fuji TV (TV Station)
放送(ほうそう)された was broadcast
武田鉄矢(たけだてつや) Takeda Tetsuya [Japanese folk singer and actor; he has a weekly podcast called 今朝の三枚おろし (This Morning’s Three Cuts) where he shares interesting tidbits from some book he’s recently read. The topics vary widely, but it is always interesting. He has a deep knowledge in a wide variety of topics. Recommended for intermediates and above.]
浅野温子(あさのあつこ) Asano Atsuko [Actress]
最終回(さいしゅうかい) final episode (of a TV program)
視聴率(しちょうりつ) viewing rate; ratings (of a TV program)
リメイク remake
チェロ奏者(そうしゃ) Cellist
お見合(みあ)い a formal marriage interview [often set up by matchmakers]
冴(さ)えないおじさん dull older man; unattractive older man
結婚式当日(けっこんしきとうじつ) the day of (her) wedding
ひたむきに dedicated; single mindedly; earnestly
ダンプカー dump truck
僕(ぼく)は死(し)にません I won’t die
美女(びじょ)と野獣(やじゅう) Beauty and the Beast
交通(こうつう)マナー traffic manners; traffic etiquette
台本(だいほん) script
流行語(りゅうこうご) buzzword; vogue word; popular phrase
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Sunday Aug 28, 2022
Nihongo no Tane 100 百回 100 Times| Japanese Immersion podcast
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
100th episode. Yumi started this podcast exactly two years ago and is now on her 100th episode. Today, Yumi talks about several interesting Japanese phrases that include the word 百【ひゃく】 (hundred).
Also, to celebrate the 100th episode, Makoto+ members not only get a full transcript, but we also created an Anki flashcard deck with dozens of key vocabulary words heard in today’s podcast. Not only that, each card has a sound file. Listen, learn, and repeat with Yumi!
百回(ひゃっかい)目(め) the 100th time
たどり着(つ)く to arrive at (after a struggle); to finally reach
百貨店(ひゃっかてん) department store
百獣(ひゃくじゅう)の王(おう) King of a hundred beasts (lion)
種類(しゅるい) variety; sort; kind
という意味(いみ) such a meaning
百戦錬磨(ひゃくせんれんま) veteran; battle-worn; rich in experience
経験(けいけん)を積(つ)む to gain experience; to accumulate experiences
戦(たたか)い fight; battle; struggle
鍛(きた)える to forge; to drill; to train; to discipline
百花繚乱(ひゃっかりょうらん) a gathering of many talented people; gathering of many beautiful women; simultaneous emergence of many talents and achievements
乱(みだ)れる to be disordered; to be disarrayed; to be upset; to be confused; to lapse into chaos
能力(のうりょく)がある人(ひと) a person with ability
優(すぐ)れた人物(じんぶつ) an outstanding person; person of distinction
同(おな)じ時期(じき)に at the same time
活躍(かつやく)する to be active; to flourish; to participate actively
百回(ひゃっかい)を迎(むか)える to reach 100 times; to welcome the 100th time
私(わたし)の気持(きも)ち my feelings
紹介(しょうかい)します to introduce; (I) will introduce
続(つづ)く to continue
受験勉強(じゅけんべんきょう) studying for a test; studying for school entrance exams
諦(あきら)めないで don’t give up
最後(さいご)まで until the end
試(し)験(けん) test
こうやって in this way; like this
~気(き)がします I have a feeling that~
見(み)たことある (I’ve) seen it before
穴(あな)を掘(ほ)る to dig a hole
あともう一息(ひといき) just a little more [literally, after one more breath]
宝物(たからもの)に届(とど)く to reach the treasure
隣(となり) next to; next door; neighbor
同(おな)じように in the same way
諦(あきら)めずに without giving up
最後(さいご)まで until the end
手(て)に入(い)れる to obtain; to procure; to get a hold of
気持(きも)ちはわかります (I) understand the feeling
辿(たど)り着(つ)く to arrive at (after a struggle); to finally reach; to find one’s way to
~を目指(めざ)して aiming for ~
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Monday Aug 22, 2022
Nihongo no Tane 99 掃除と神様 Cleaning and the Gods| Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Yumi has been on a cleaning kick. She’s always been tidy, but recently, she’s gotten serious about it. Japan has very clean streets despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that there are few public trash cans. Is there some connection with Japanese history and mythology to explain this?
掃除(そうじ) cleaning
ピカピカ with a glitter; with a sparkle; shiny and new
磨(みが)いています polishing; shining
主婦(しゅふ) housewife; homemaker
言葉(ことば)に触発(しょくはつ)されて inspired by words [言葉 (words) に (by) 触発 (triggering; inspiring) されて (passive)]
管理(かんり) control; management
整理(せいり) sorting; arrangement; putting in order
真剣(しんけん)に earnestly; in earnest
隙間(すきま) crevice; crack; gap
面倒(めんどう)くさい bothersome; tiresome
綿棒(めんぼう) cotton swab
竹串(たけぐし) bamboo skewer
神道(しんとう) Shinto
境内(けいだい) grounds (of shrine); compound
神話(しんわ) mythology; legend
日本(にほん)の国旗(こっき) Japanese flag
清潔(せいけつ) cleanliness; hygienic
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Monday Aug 15, 2022
Nihongo no Tane 98 オノマトペ4 Onomatopoeia Part 4| Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Monday Aug 15, 2022
Yumi continues her discussion on onomatopoeia in Japanese. Japanese use sound words and mimetic words far more frequently than in English. Learning how to use these words well will help improve your fluency.
オノマトペ onomatopoeia
ごちゃごちゃ messy; confused; chaotic
整理(せいり)されていない not organized
状態(じょうたい) condition; state of things
ペコペコ very hungry; starving
ペラペラ fluent (speaking foreign languages); incessantly (speaking)
流暢(りゅうちょう)に fluent; flowing
ゴロゴロする roll about; idling about; thundering; purring
ガタンゴトン clickety-clack
終点(しゅうてん) terminus; last stop (train)
川上(かわかみ) upstream
ドンブラコドンブラコ effect of tumbling
クンクン effect of sniffing
ドドドド sound of something heavy moving rapidly
グラグラ wobbling; shaking; unsteadily
ピキピキ snapping
豊富(ほうふ)に abundantly
身近(みぢか)に near at hand; near oneself
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Monday Aug 08, 2022
Nihongo no Tane 97 オノマトペ3 Onomatopoeia Part 3| Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Yumi continues her discussion on onomatopoeia in Japanese. Japanese use sound words and mimetic words far more frequently than in English. Learning how to use these words well will help improve your fluency.
オノマトペ onomatopoeia
日本人(にほんじん)らしく話(はなし)せる to be able to speak like a Japanese
汗(あせ)をかいた to sweat
さっぱり refreshed
含(ふく)まれます includes
さっぱり分(わ)からない don’t know at all
ゴロゴロ loafing; rolling; sound of thunder
回転(かいてん)する to rotate; to turn
クタクタ exhausted; tired; worn out
芯(しん) wick; core; heart; center
カンカンになっている to be very angry
絶対許(ぜったいゆる)さない absolutely won’t forgive
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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