A weekly podcast for upper beginner to intermediate learners of Japanese. Listen to Yumi talk about... whatever she wants to talk about. Practice your listening comprehension with natural (howbeit slightly slowed down) Japanese on various topics such as Japanese culture, fun idioms, and, of course, cats. The episodes can be enjoyed in any order. -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript and a list of key vocabulary. www.MakotoPlus.com
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Nihongo no Tane 116 今年の漢字「戦」 This Year’s Kanji | Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
This year’s kanji has been selected. Out of 220,000 votes, the kanji for war or battle was chosen. Yumi talks about this as well as what’s been going on in Japan recently.
戦争(せんそう) war
漢字能力検定(かんじのうりょくけんてい)協会(きょうかい) Kanji Proficiency Test Association
戦(たたか)う to fight; to battle
全国(ぜんこく) all of the country; the whole country
印象(いんしょう) impression
同時多発(どうじたはつ)テロ simultaneous attacks (particularly 9/11)
物騒(ぶっそう) troubled; disturbed
さらに in addition; moreover
大盛(おおも)り上(あ)がり great excitement
優勝(ゆうしょう)候補(こうほ) favored candidate; best bet for the title; favored for victory
勝利(しょうり) victory
残念(ざんねん)ながら unfortunately
練習(れんしゅう)に練習(れんしゅう)を重(かさ)ねて practice upon practice
礼儀正(れいぎただ)しい polite; courteous
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Yumi’s daughter speaks Japanese, but sometimes incorrectly. In today’s episode, Yumi tells us how her daughter messes up “to give” in Japanese, and this spurred her to research how to best teach あげる・くれる・もらう(give and receive). Yumi discovered the key is to understand Japanese culture. Listen as she explains.
あげる・くれる・もらう To Give and Receive in Japanese
ゴチャまぜ mess; jumble; chaos
おやつ snack
ちょうだい please give me
日本(にほん)の文化(ぶんか) Japanese culture
考(かんが)え方(かた) way of thinking
内(うち)と外(そと) inside and outside
当(あ)たり前(まえ) natural; obvious; common
想像(そうぞう)する to imagine
真(ま)ん中(なか) in the middle
見事(みごと)に splendidly
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Sunday Dec 04, 2022
Yumi has a problem. The three large pecan trees in her backyard have produced tons of pecans. In this episode, she talks about what she’s doing with the pecans and then compares pecans to chestnuts in Japan.
ピーカン pecan
我(わ)が家(や) my house
裏庭(うらにわ) backyard
地面(じめん) ground
食(く)い込(こ)む bite into; to dig into; to encroach
敷(し)き詰(つ)められた to be covered with
季節(きせつ)外(はず)れ unseasonal
殻(から) shell
作業(さぎょう) work
単純(たんじゅん) simple
無(む)になれる become free from thoughts
自生(じせい)する growing wild
農家(のうか) farmer
栽培(さいばい) cultivate
脂肪分(しぼうぶん) fat content
脂質(ししつ) fats
栗(くり) chestnuts
甘露煮(かんろに) candied (chestnuts)
お菓子(かし) candy; sweets
縄文時代(じょうもんじだい) Jomon period (over 3000 years ago)
鬼皮(おにかわ) hard shell of a nut
渋皮(しぶかわ) inner skin of a chestnut
面倒(めんどう)くさい bothersome
リス squirrel
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Monday Nov 28, 2022
Nihongo no Tane 113 黒柳徹子さん Kuroyanagi Tetsuko | Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
In this episode Yumi talks about Kuroyanagi Tetsuko, a longtime announcer and personality, and her secrets for living long and well.
義理(ぎり)のお母さん Mother-in-law
物忘(ものわす)れ forgetfulness
予防(よぼう) prevention
若々(わかわか)しく youthful
将来(しょうらい)に備(そな)えたい to prepare for the future
黒柳徹子(くろやなぎてつこ) Kuroyanagi Tetsuko (born August 9, 1933)
女優(じょゆう) actress
団子(だんご) dango; dumpling
放送(ほうそう) broadcast
テレビ業界(ぎょうかい) the TV industry
クイズ番組(ばんぐみ) Quiz (TV) show
正解率(せいかいりつ) percentage of correct answers
司会者(しかいしゃ) host; MC; announcer
小説(しょうせつ) novel
勉強熱心(べんきょうねっしん) studious
興味(きょうみ)が湧(わ)いた become interested in
ユニセフの親善大使(しんぜんたいし) UNICEF Goodwill ambassador
認知症(にんちしょう) dementia; senility
上品(じょうひん) elegant
下品(げひん) vulger
影響(えいきょう) influence
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
It’s Thanksgiving and Black Friday season in the US. Yumi talks a little about what she and her family is doing and compares that with Japanese holidays.
感謝祭とブラックフライデー Thanksgiving and Black Friday
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Nihongo no Tane 111 夏時間 Summer Time | Japanese Immersion podcast
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Daylight savings time in America is the one thing all Americans can agree to hate, and yet… they still can’t seem to come together long enough to pass a law to rid themselves of the twice-a-year menace. Yumi shares her thoughts and hope that this “Fall back” will be the last.
夏時間(なつじかん) summer time
早起(はやお)き rising early
時刻(じこく) time; the hour
有効(ゆうこう) valid; effective
電力(でんりょく)の節約(せつやく) saving energy
目的(もくてき) goal; purpose
実際(じっさい)に actually
徐々(じょじょ)に gradually
連動(れんどう) working together; being linked (to)
時計(とけい)の針(はり) hands of a clock
昼夜(ちゅうや) day and night
逆転(ぎゃくてん) sudden change; reversal
交通事故(こうつうじこ) traffic accident
採用(さいよう) use; adoption
説(せつ)がある there is a theory
公務員(こうむいん) civil servant
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Monday Nov 07, 2022
Nihongo no Tane 110 家族バンド Family Band | Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Yumi’s family band! It was one of her dreams and recently her family had a chance to perform. Listen as she tells us her thoughts on families coming together to perform.
弾(ひ)きます to play (stringed instrument such as piano or guitar)
中級(ちゅうきゅう)の初(はつ)め beginning of intermediate stage
音符(おんぷ) musical notes
伴奏(ばんそう) (musical) accompaniment
演奏(えんそう) (musical) performance
上手(うま)い下手(へた) skillful or unskilled
素人(しろうと)の私(わたし) an amateur such as I am
長男(ちょうなん) eldest son
担当(たんとう)の人(ひと) person in charge
急遽(きゅうきょ) hurriedly; in a hurry
いろいろ原因(げんいん) various causes
感動的(かんどうてき) impressive; moving
録音(ろくおん) audio recording
録画(ろくが) video recording
年(とし)を経(へ)るにしたがって as the years go by
成長(せいちょう) growth; becoming an adult
出番(でばん) one’s turn on stage; one’s shift
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Monday Oct 31, 2022
Nihongo no Tane 109 綱引き Tug of War| Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Fall is a great time for families to get together and have fun. In this episode, Yumi shares a little about a recent multi-family getogether. There was much talking, children playing, and then… someone brought out a rope for a game of tug-of-war.
遊(あそ)びに行(い)く to go visit (someone); to have fun with
ちっちゃい子(こ)どもさん a small child
それぞれ思(おも)い思(おも)いに as each one likes; as each one pleases
しばらくすると a little later; after that
綱引(つなひき)き tug of war
力持(ちからも)ち strong person
小柄(こがら) small frame; small person
偶然(ぐうぜん) coincidence; chance
相手(あいて)チ(ち)ーム(む) the other team; opponent’s team
隙(すき) chance; opportunity; gap; break; interval
粘(ねば)り勝(が)ち hard-fought win; winning through perseverance
体力(たいりょく)のある to have physical strength
持久力(じきゅうりょく)のある to have endurance; stamina
ハの字(じ) the “ha” character (shape)
運動靴(うんどうぐつ) athletic shoes
腕力(わんりょく) physical strength; arm strength
全日本(ぜんにほん) all Japan
運動会(うんどうかい) athletic meet; sports field day
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Monday Oct 24, 2022
Nihongo no Tane 108 牧場に行きました I went to a farm | Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Most years, Yumi takes her family to a nearby farm to experience cows, goats, fun outdoor activities, and homemade ice cream. Clay… didn’t do very well in the heat. Listen as Yumi talks about this year’s trip, and her thoughts on cows.
秋(あき) fall; autumn
牧場(ぼくじょう) farm
先日(せんじつ) the other day
同士(どうし) fellow (cousin); mutual
写真(しゃしん) photograph
インスタ映(ば)え looking good on Instagram
メイン main (reason)
本物(ほんもの)の a real…
の影響(えいきょう) the influence of
経営(けいえい)が苦(くる)しい business is suffering
気分(きぶん)が悪(わる)い feel bad
滞在(たいざい)する to stay
牛肉(ぎゅうにく) beef
乳製品(にゅうせいひん) dairy products
牛革(ぎゅうかわ) cowhide
牛(ぎゅう)タン cow tongue
焼(や)き肉(にく) grilled meat
悪趣味(あくしゅみ) bad taste
ぽつぽつと斑点(はんてん) spots and specks
模様(もよう) pattern
手作(てづく)りのアイスクリーム handmade
産地直送(さんちちょくそう) direct from the farm fresh
大満足(だいまんぞく) deeply satisfied
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
The taste of fall has come and Yumi shares her thoughts about what this time of the year means in Japan. For more fun autumn words, please see our new lesson page here: https://thejapanesepage.com/no-aki-the-autumn-of-japanese-expressions-for-fall/
秋(あき) fall; autumn
特(とく)に especially
大喜(おおよろこ)び great joy
南部(なんぶ) southern part
秋(あき)らしく飾(かざ)ります fall decor
実(み) fruit
柔(やわ)らかく soft
涼(すず)しい cool
苦手(にがて) not good at
玄関(げんかん) entrance (of a house)
に比(くら)べる compared to
繊維質(せんいしつ) dietary fiber
砂糖(さとう) sugar
代表的(だいひょうてき) representative of
一方(いっぽう) on one hand
煮(に) boil
蒸(むし) steam
大好物(だいこうぶつ) favorite thing
味覚(みかく)の秋(あき) autumn of taste
食欲(しょくよく)の秋(あき) autumn of appetite
さつまいも sweet potato
柿(かき) persimmon
栗(くり) chestnut
ギンナン ginkgo nut
カツオ skipjack tuna; bonito
秋刀魚(さんま) mackerel pike (fish)
数(かぞ)え切(き)れない countless
一択(いったく) singular choice; only choice
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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