A weekly podcast for upper beginner to intermediate learners of Japanese. Listen to Yumi talk about... whatever she wants to talk about. Practice your listening comprehension with natural (howbeit slightly slowed down) Japanese on various topics such as Japanese culture, fun idioms, and, of course, cats. The episodes can be enjoyed in any order. -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript and a list of key vocabulary. www.MakotoPlus.com
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Nihongo no Tane 126 オノマトペ Onomatopoeia | Japanese Immersion podcast
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
In this episode of Nihongo no Tane, Yumi discusses onomatopoeia in Japanese. She mentions that there are approximately 5,000 onomatopoeic words in Japanese, making it the language with the most onomatopoeia in the world.
Onomatopoeic words can have multiple meanings and be used in various situations. For example, you probably know ペラペラ to mean "fluent" when describing someone's language skills, but did you know it can also mean "flimsy" when referring to paper flapping about in the wind? Learning onomatopoeia can be challenging but rewarding. Find a new onomatopoeia expression and use it today!
眼(め)鏡(がね)をかけている to wear glasses [眼(め)鏡(がね) (eye glasses); かける (to put on); (て)いる indicates the state of wearing glasses]
視(し)力(りょく) eyesight; vision [視(し) (visual; vision); 力(りょく)(strength; power)]
~は、もちろん not only ~; definitely for (driving) [もちろん (of course)]
つまずく to trip (over); to stumble
てしまう to end up with doing ~ [“te-form + しまう” is used for unfavorable situation/outcome or unexpected, surprising or unintended outcome]
~じゃないですか isn’t it; right? [sounds fairly casual]
若返(わかがえ)る to be rejuvenated; to feel younger; to reverse aging [若 (young; youth); 返る(to return)]
擬(ぎ)声(せい)語(ご) onomatopoeia (words that mimic people’s voice or sounds or call that animals or insects make) [擬(ぎ) (quasi-; imitation); 声(せい) (voice); also there is 擬(ぎ)音(おん)語(ご) which is words that mimic sound of things]
擬(ぎ)態(たい)語(ご) onomatopia; mimetic word (word that mimics an action, condition or manner that does not make a sound ) [態(たい) (condition; state of things)]
結構(けっこう) fairly; quite bit; rather [it can also mean “excellent”, “delightful”, “enough” or “fine”]
~らしい -like ; typical of ~; characteristic of ~ [a suffix which follows noun]
場(ば)面(めん) situation; circumstance
流暢(りゅうちょう)に fluently [流暢(りゅうちょう) (fluent)]
どんどん上(じょう)手(ず)になる to get better at something quickly [どんどん describes quick way that something is being done]
寝(ね)転(ころ)がっている to be lying around (for a period of time) [寝(ね)転(ころ)がってte-form of 寝(ね)転(ころ)がる(to lie down; to throw oneself down)]
のどを鳴(な)らす to make a sound with one’s throat [のど (throat); 鳴(な)らす (to ring; to make a sound)]
一(ひと)つ一(ひと)つ one by one
丁寧(ていねい)に thoroughly; carefully; with care
無理(むり) impossible; not able
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Monday Mar 06, 2023
Nihongo no Tane 125 車購入その3 Buying Cars Part 3 | Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Yumi wraps up her talk about buying two cars and the problem with buying insurance for teenage drivers.
更新(こうしん)する to renew; to update
代理店(だいりてん) agency
事(じ)情(じょう)circumstance; condition; situation
担当(たんとう) being in charge; being
曇(くも)った表(ひょう)情(じょう) worried/sad look on one’s face [曇(くも)った (cloudy); 表情(ひょうじょう) (facial expression; facial look)]
ため息 sigh [ため (collect; gather); 息 (breath)]
嫌(きら)う dislike; not to like
計算(けいさん)する to calculate; compute; to figure (out)
予(よ)想(そう)する to expect; to anticipate
仕方(しかた)ない inevitable; having no (other) choice; unavoidable [仕方(しかた) (method; means); ない (not; no)]
年間(ねんかん) one year period; annually; annual
顎(あご)が外(はず)れそうになる one’s jaw drops [顎(あご) (jaw); 外(はず)れる(to unhinge; to come off); そうに(almost; nearly)] *Yumi made a mistake with this idiom: 顎が外れるis supposed to be used when laughing hard. However, this is often mistakenly used when shocked or surprised. She probably was thinking of the English idiom “jaw drop” which is used when shocked or surprised and not when laughing—the opposite of the Japanese idiom!
相談(そうだん)する to consult; to ask (someone) for advice
確率(かくりつ) likelihood; chances; probability
加(か)入(にゅう)する to join; to become a member
高齢者(こうれいしゃ) elderly people
かけ金(きん) premium
なんとかなる to make (things) work one way or another; to manage somehow [なんとか (somehow; one way or another); なる(to result in; to turn out)]
心(こころ)がける to keep in mind; to try to; to aim to; to bear in mind
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Nihongo no Tane 124 車購入その2 Buying Cars Part 2 | Japanese Immersion podcast
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Sunday Feb 26, 2023
Today, Yumi continues her story about her recent car-buying experiences.
普通(ふつう)(の) normal; common
結構(けっこう) fairly
頑張(がんば)る endure; survive; keep at it; make an effort
自宅(じたく) one’s home; one’s house
めでたく happily; with much joy [this word has a celebratory connotation to it]
面倒(めんどう)な troubling; troublesome; difficult [面倒(めんどう)(trouble)]
スケジュールを組(く)む schedule ~; arrange a schedule [組(く)む (form; arrange; assemble)]
ローンを組(く)む get a loan; take out a loan
重(かさ)なる overlap; occur at the same time; pile up
免許取(めんきょと)り立(た)て newly-licensed [“masu-stem + 立(た)て” means “newly ~” or “freshly ~”]
車屋(くるまや) car dealership [カーセンター is also used]
不思議(ふしぎ)な strange; mysterious
下取(したど)りする trade in
ずつ each [written eitherずつ orづつ]
利子(りし) interest (on a loan)
月々(つきづき)の monthly [same as 毎月(まいつき)の]
順調(じゅんちょう) favorable; all right [describes of events when going without any problems]
万歳(ばんざい) hooray
保険(ほけん) insurance
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Nihongo no Tane 123 車購入その1 Buying Cars Part 1 | Japanese Immersion podcast
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Until recently, Yumi’s family has only had one car. This is unusual in the part of Florida that she lives in. Most families have at least two cars. But Yumi and Clay both work from home and until their son got his driver’s license, they rarely had need for a second car. But now their son has his license, Yumi decided … it was time.
仮免許(かりめんきょ) driver’s permit; learner’s permit
同乗(どうじょう)する ride along
運転免許(うんてんめんきょ) driver’s license
取得(しゅとく) obtainment
普通(ふつう) normal; common; ordinary
就職(しゅうしょく) する get employed; come to employed
自動車学校(じどうしゃがっこう) driving school
随分(ずいぶん) very; considerably; extremely
のんき carefree; laid back; easygoing
必要(ひつよう)ない not necessary; not needed
経済的 economic
購入(こうにゅう)する purchase; buy
自体(じたい) itself
企業(きぎょう) business; corporation; enterprise
心配(しんぱい) worried; concerned [it’s used as adjective here but it can be noun as well]
安全運転(あんぜんうんてん) safe driving
子煩悩(こぼんのう)な very loving; very dedicated [used to describe very loving and dedicated parents]
奮発(ふんぱつ)する spend some generous amount of money than expected; be generous at gifting something than expected [奮発(splurge; generous spending; generous treat)]
大奮発(だいふんぱつ) big splurge; super generous treat
勇気(ゆうき) courage; bravery
要(い)る need; require
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Nihongo no Tane 122 節分の鬼 The Oni of Setsubun | Japanese Immersion podcast
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
February 3rd was setsubun in Japan. The day that marks the end of winter and is followed by the beginning of spring. Listen as Yumi tells us a little bit about how this special occasion is celebrated in Japan.
節分(せつぶん) last day of winter in the traditional Japanese calendar
立春(りっしゅん) first day of spring in the traditional Japanese calendar
季節(きせつ)の変(か)わり目(め) time of change of seasons; time when season changes
邪気(じゃき) evil spirit; misfortune; bad vibes that cause illness or other misfortune
煎(い)る roast (beans)
願(ねが)い事(ごと) one’s wish; one’s desire; prayer
叶(かな)う come true; (wish) be answered
風習(ふうしゅう) traditional custom in a regional/ tribal culture
販売(はんばい)を始(はじ)める launch sales
保育園(ほいくえん) nursery school and preschool (usually combined)
大泣(おおな)きする cry one’s eyes out; cry hard
幼児虐待(ようじぎゃくたい) child abuse
かわいそうになる feel sorry (for someone)
伝統行事(でんとうぎょうじ) traditional event
相対的(そうたいてき) relative
絶対(ぜったい) definite
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Nihongo no Tane 121 丙午 Hinoeuma | Japanese Immersion podcast
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
Sunday Jan 29, 2023
In today’s podcast, Yumi digs deep into an interesting superstition which caused the birth rates to plummet one year in the 1960s. It has to do with the Chinese Zodiac, the Edo period, and Natsume Souseki. Listen to find out about this fascinating bit of historical trivia.
十二支(じゅうにし) 12 animal signs of Chinese zodiac
干支(えと) 60 year cycle of 12 zodiac signs and 5 elements in Chinese astrology
暗記(あんき)する memorize
~歳違(さいちが)い ~ years apart
ひと回り 12年 [one full cycle of 12 zodiac signs]
~年区切(ねんくぎ)り(で) by ~ year segment
マンモス校(こう) very large school; school with a large number of students
当(あ)たり前(まえ) usual; common; ordinary
少子化(しょうしか) declining birth rate [少 (few; a little); 子 (child); 化 (change toward)]
根強(ねづよ)い persistent; deep-rooted; deep-seated
迷信(めいしん) superstition
とんでもない outrageous; terrible
江戸時代(えどじだい) Edo period [the last era of ruling of samurai government]
八百屋(やおや) produce store; fruits and vegetable store
小説家(しょうせつか) novelist; fiction writer
現代的(げんだいてき)な modern; contemporary
世代(せだい) generation
~年生(ねんう)まれ born in year ~ [one word and it’s adjective]
気(き)にする worry (about)
明治時代(めいじじだい) Meiji period [the first era after the fall of the samurai government]
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Yumi recently visited Silver Springs, a nature park in Florida which is famous for its glass bottom boats and manatees. Did you know manatees may have been mistaken for mermaids? Yumi then shares some stories about Japanese mermaids.
州立公園(しゅうりつこうえん) state park
被害(ひがい) damage; injury; harm
諦(あきら)める give up; abandon
水(みず)湧(わ)く spring out; gush out
水族館(すいぞくかん) aquarium
癒(いや)す heal
第一印象(だいいちいんしょう) first impression
好奇心旺盛(こうきしんおうせい) full of curiosity; full of inquisitiveness 好奇 心(curiosity; inquisitiveness) 旺盛(vigorous; exuberant)
人魚(にんぎょ) mermaid
暗(くら)がり darkness
上半身(じょうはんしん) upper body
見世物小屋(みせものごや) show tent; circus tent; freak show 見世物(spectacle; exhibition; show) 小屋(hut)
購入(こうにゅう)する purchase
随分(ずいぶん) a lot; considerably; fairly
不老長寿(ふろうちょうじゅ) immortality 不老 (no aging) 長寿(longevity)
子宝(こだから) fertility
恵(めぐ)まれる to be gifted; to be blessed
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Sometimes simple analogies hit home the hardest. Learning a language is like breathing. It’s the small repetitive acts that keep us going and growing. Keep growing your Japanese little by little by studying, reading, and listening to Japanese daily.
新年(しんねん)の抱負(ほうふ) New Year’s resolution
一番(いちばん)最初(さいしょ)に the very first thing…
痩せたい want to lose weight
大成功(だいせいこう) big success
∼もつかの間(ま) ∼ was only short time
気(き)が緩(ゆる)む relax too much; lose an intention; become remiss
健康的(けんこうてき)に in healthy way;in healthy manner
瘦せ型体系 body type that is easy to lose weight
維持(いじ)する maintain; keep; sustain
参考にする refer to; learn from
一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい) with utmost effort; as one can
集中(しゅうちゅう)する concentrate; focus
短期間(たんきかん) short period of time
呼吸(こきゅう) breathing; breath
聖書(せいしょ) bible
毎日毎日(まいにちまいにち) every day; day after day
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
In this short message, Yumi has some good news to share with the New Year.
令和(れいわ)5(5)年(ねん) Reiwa 5
西暦(せいれき) Western calendar
新年早々(しんねんそうそう) early in the New Year; at the beginning of the New Year
引(ひ)っ越(こ)し move (to a new house)
実家(じっか) one’s parent’s home; home where one grew up in
長(なが)い間(あいだ) long time
孫(まご) grandchildren
低学年(ていがくねん) early grade levels
節(ふし) occasion; time; section; passage; season; holiday
情報(じょうほう) information
長生(ながいけ)き long life
一期一会(いちごいちえ) once-in-a-life experience; an encounter that should be cherished
挨拶(あいさつ) greetings
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Monday Dec 26, 2022
Monday Dec 26, 2022
As the year 2022 comes to a close, Yumi thinks back on all the things that happened to her and her family this year.
今年(ことし) this year
最後(さいご) last; final
何(なに)も覚(おぼ)えていません don’t remember anything
性格(せいかく) personality; character
写真(しゃしん) photo
娘(むすめ) daughter
ウクレレ ukulele
いわゆる the so-called
弾(ひ)き語(がた)り singing to one’s own accompaniment
遊園地(ゆうえんち) amusement park
成人式(せいじんしき) coming-of-age-ceremony
運動会(うんどうかい) sports day
映画(えいが) movie
ブルーベリー狩(が)り blueberry picking
掃除(そうじ) cleaning
裏庭(うらにわ) backyard
教会(きょうかい) church
風邪(かぜ)気味(ぎみ) slight cold
体験(たいけん) experience
笑(わら)い話(ばなし) funny story
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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