A weekly podcast for upper beginner to intermediate learners of Japanese. Listen to Yumi talk about... whatever she wants to talk about. Practice your listening comprehension with natural (howbeit slightly slowed down) Japanese on various topics such as Japanese culture, fun idioms, and, of course, cats. The episodes can be enjoyed in any order. -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript and a list of key vocabulary. www.MakotoPlus.com
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Nihongo no Tane 136: お土産その1 Omiyage Part 1| Japanese Immersion podcast
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Yumi is going back to Japan with her family! This is a long-awaited trip. Soon they will be reunited with family and friends, but… There is something troubling Yumi’s mind. Listen to the podcast to know more about it!
- 帰(き)省(せい) homecoming visit; going to one’s parents’ home
- うんうんうなるto moan (in pain or in discomfort) [うんうん (onomatopoeia that mimicking the sound of moaning); うなる (to growl; to moan; to grunt)]
- 夢(ゆめ)のまた夢(ゆめ) a dream within a dream; beyond (one’s) wildest dream [literally, “a dream beyond another dream” which basically means “something impossible to happen” or “something impossible for one to experience”]
- 水際対策(みぎわたいさく) border control measures [水際(みぎわ) (beach; shore; coastline; national border); 対策(たいさく) (countermeasures)]
- 連絡(れんらく)が取(と)れる to be able to get in touch; to be able to make contact [連絡(れんらく) (contact; communication); 取(と)れる to be able to get/to take (potential form of 取(と)る)]
- 悩(なや)んでいる to be having a hard time [悩(なや)む (to have a hard time with something mentally)]
- 20 年(ねん)ぶりに for the first time in 20 years [ぶりis a suffix that indicates a period of time that has passed before for one to experience the same situation. It is only used for positive circumstances]
- フロリダらしい Florida-like; Florida style
- 頭(あたま)に浮(う)かばない does not come to mind [literally, “doesn’t float to head]; used when one can’t think of ideas and such]
- 不(ふ)健康(けんこう) unhealthy; poor health
- どぎつい intense; gaudy; garish; loud in color [ど (casual prefix for “very”, “super” or “extremely”); ぎつい from きつい (intense; forceful; demanding)]
- 面倒(めんどう)くさい bothersome; hassle
- あげなきゃいいんじゃないの ? isn’t it better not to give? [more casual form for あげなければいいのではないのですか?; あげなきゃcontracted fromあげなければ (if you don’t give); いいんじゃ contracted from いいのでは (it’s good; it’s better); ないの contracted from ないのですか (is (it) not?)]
- 分(わ)け与(あた)えてあげる share; divide out [分(わ)け与(あた)えて (to share); あげる (to do a favor of doing ~)]
- 帰(かえ)り際(ぎわ)に right before going home; just as one is leaving [帰(かえ)り (”ます- stem” of 帰る); 際(ぎわ) (when; occasion); ”ます- stem V + 際(ぎわ)” is “on one is about to doing something”]
- 何々(なになに)さん so-and-so; Mr. so-and-so
- 配(くば)る deliver; distribute; pass around; hand out
- 御(お)札(ふだ) やお守(まも)り amulets and charms [御(お)札(ふだ) (amulet); お守(まも)り(charm)]
- 気(き)軽(がる)に easily; without hesitation
- いろんなとこ many places [いろんな (various); とこ contracted from ところ (place; location) which is only used in casual setting]
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
In the previous podcast, Yumi started to talk about her family trip to St. Augustine. Don’t miss the end of this story, where she explains the main reason of their trip and why she couldn’t sleep well that night.
- 予(よ)約(やく) reservation; booking
- 無(む)効(こう) invalid; void
- 慌(あわ)てて in a hurry; in haste [fixed phrase]
- 近(ちか)場(ば) nearby place
- 重(かさ)ね合(あ)わせてtaking (the both countries’ histories) together and … [重(かさ)ね合(あ)わせる (to layer multiple things; to overlap)]
- 説得(せっとく) persuasion
- 温(おん)故知(こち)新(しん) visiting old, learn new [温(おん) (to warm; to rewarm); 故(こ) (old); 知(ち) (to know); 新(しん) (new); this saying means “an attempt to understand new things by studying the past”]
- 覗(のぞ)いたり doing peeking into (stores) and [覗(のぞ)い from 覗(のぞ)く(to peek into ; to take a quick look at); ~たり、~する (doing such thing like ~ing and ~ing)]
- お洒落(しゃれ)なstylish; fashionable; chic; lovely
- 結構(けっこう) fairly; quite a bit
- 大賑(だいにぎ)わい big crowd
- 雰(ふん)囲気(いき) atmosphere; mood of a space or situation
- 子(こ)供(ども)連(づ)れtaking children along
- 漂(ただよ)ってました (to be in the air) [漂う (to be in the air; to drift)]
- 清潔感(せいけつかん) sense of cleanliness [清潔 (clean; sanitary)]
- (ぱぱぱと)しか見なかった looked only (quickly) […しか~ない (to do ~ only …)]
- 飼(か)っていた had (peacocks) [飼う to have/own (animals or pets)]
- 野良(のら)クジャク stray peacock [野良(のら) (stray); クジャク (peacock)]
- 時(とき)すでに遅(おそ)しthe ship has already sailed [literally, “Time is already late”]
- 順調(じゅんちょう)に smoothly
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
This time Yumi went to a trip to St. Augustine, a city she usually goes with her family to the beach. But this time she made a different kind of trip. In this first part of Saint Augustine’s trip story, she tells us about the history of the fortress located there, San Marcos, among other things.
- 昔(むかし)ながらの unchanged as old time; as it was in the past [a fixed phrase]
- 日(ひ)帰(がえ)り day trip
- ~ばかりの頃(ころ) around the time when ~ [~ばかり (just doing ~); 頃(ころ) (approximate time period; around the time)]
- 砦(とりで)/要塞(ようさい) fort;fortress [slightly differs from each other in definition but basically “fort”]
- 詰(つ)まった packed [past of 詰(つ)まる (to be packed; to be clogged)]
- 石灰(せっかい)石(せき) lime stone [石灰(せっかい) (lime); 石(せき) (stone)]
- 遡(さかのぼ)りますと going back (in the history) [遡る (to date back); と (when; if)]
- 取(と)り戻(もど)す take back; regain
- 牢(ろう)屋(や) jail; prison
- 脱走兵(だっそうへい) defector; deserter [脱走(だっそう) (escape; desertion); 兵(へい) (solider)]
- 投獄(とうごく)されていた were imprisoned; were incarcerated [投獄(とうごく)される (to get imprisoned); (て) いた indicates a situation or state]
- 入(いり)江(え) inlet; cove; bay
- 合流(ごうりゅう)する merge; come together
- 狙(ねら)い撃(う)ち sniping; snipe attack [狙(ねら)い (aim); 撃(う)ち (shooting)]
- 領(りょう)土(ど)争(あらそ)い territorial dispute [領(りょう)土(ど) (territory); 争(あらそ)い (dispute; conflict)]
- 翻弄(ほんろう)された was trifled with; was tossed around
- 凄(すさ)まじさ ferocity; savagery [noun form of 凄(すさ)まじい (horrible; terrible)]
- 愚(おろ)かさ foolishness; absurdity [noun form of 愚(おろ)か (foolish)]
- 感慨(かんがい)にふけってしまいました was absorbed in deep emotion [感慨(かんがい)にふける (to be overcome with emotion; to be sunk in thought); 感慨(かんがい) (deep emotion which arises from deep thought or introspection)]
- 目的(もくてき)を果(は)たす accomplish the goal; fulfill the objective [目的(もくてき) (goal; purpose); (を)果(は)たす (to fulfill)]
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday May 14, 2023
Nihongo no Tane 133裸の文化Naked Culture | Japanese Immersion podcast
Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
Japanese culture about nakedness is different from the occidental one. Japanese people go to onsen naked while most occidental people would feel embarrassed for doing this. In this podcast, Yumi talks about it, and about the changes over time around this culture.
- 恥(は)ずかしがる to be shy of; to be bashful
- お相(す)撲(もう)さん Sumo wrestler(s) [affectionate way of calling sumo wrestlers]
- まる見(み)え full view; completely visible [まるprefix for “whole/total/all”/full; 見(み)え noun form of 見(み)える (to be visible)]
- 伝統(でんとう)国(こく)技(ぎ) traditional national sport
- 競(きょう)技(ぎ) competition; game; match; contest
- まる出(だ)し bare; fully exposed
- 明(めい)治(じ)時(じ)代(だい) Meiji period (1868-1912)
- 禁(きん)止(し) prohibition
- 根(ね)強(づよ)くfirmly; persistently [adverb form of 根(ね)強(づよ)い (firm; persistent; deep-seated; deep-rooted)
- 銭湯(せんとう) public bathhouse [銭(せん) (coin); 湯(とう) (bath water; warm water)]
- 展(てん)示(じ) する to exhibit; to display
- 海水浴場(かいすいよくじょう) designated swimming area beach
- 彫刻(ちょうこく)家(か) sculptor [彫刻(ちょうこく)(carving; sculpture); 家(か) (suffix for some professions or title for people with highly skill)
- 裸(ら)体(たい) naked body; nudity
- 矛(む)盾(じゅん)する to contradict [矛(む)盾(じゅん) (contradictory)]
- 価値(かち)観(かん) sense of values; value system [価値(かち) (value); 観(かん) (view)]
- 普(ふ)段(だん) usual; ordinary
- 基(き)準(じゅん) standard
- 中(ちゅう)世(せい) Middle Age
- 股(こ)間(かん) crotch; groin [股(こ) (groin; thigh); 間(かん) (between)]
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Sunday May 07, 2023
Nihongo no Tane 132温泉と裸 Onsen and Nakedness | Japanese Immersion podcast
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
Japan is a country with many hot springs. Going to one is an experience you may not want to miss during your stay in Japan. Listen to Yumi talking about ryokans, hot springs and how she overcame the embarrassment about going naked to one.
- 湧(わ)いてきた started gushing out; started bubbling out [湧(わ)いて from 湧(わ)く(to gush out); てきた from てくる (to start doing ~)]
- (お湯(ゆ)に)つかる to be soaked (in warm water); to be submerged (in warm water)]
- (足をお湯に)つける to soak (one’s feet in hot water); to put (one’s feet in hot water)
- 成分(せいぶん) composition
- 効能(こうのう) benefit; effect; efficacy
- おもてなし hospitality
- 懐石(かいせき)料(りょう)理(り) traditional Japanese meal brought in courses
- 名産物(めいさんぶつ) local special products [名(めい) (famous); 産(さん)物(ぶつ) (products; produce)]
- 施(し)設(せつ) facility
- 癒(いや)す to heal
- 庭園(ていえん) garden [garden that is professionally designed and maintained; 庭(てい) (garden; yard); 園(えん) (park)]
- ~なんか such as ~; such thing as ~
- 堪能(たんのう)する to indulge in; to enjoy
- 露(ろ)天(てん)風(ぶ)呂(ろ) open-air bath
- 見知(みし)らぬ人(ひと) stranger(s) [見知らぬ (unacquainted; unfamiliar; unknown; strange)]
- 抵抗(ていこう) resistance; reluctance; opposition
- そっか “Ah, I see”; “Oh, I get it”; “Oh, okay” [a very casual expression which stems from そうか/そうですか]
- 指(さ)す to indicate; to point
- 個(こ)室(しつ) private room
- 思(し)春(しゅん)期(き) adolescence
- 付(つ)き合(あ)い fellowship; friendship
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Nihongo no Tane 131マリオ Mario | Japanese Immersion podcast
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Sunday Apr 23, 2023
Yumi went with her family to see the Super Mario Brothers movie. Listen to Yumi talk about her thoughts on the movie and what she wanted to do after watching it!
公開(こうかい)される to be open; to be open to the public [公開(こうかい) (opening to the public; release)]
話(わ)題(だい)に上(のぼ)る to come up in conversation [話(わ)題(だい) (topic)]
毎週(まいしゅう)のように almost every week [毎(まい) (every);週(しゅう)(week)]
期(き)待(たい)通(どお)りas expected; as hoped for [期(き)待(たい) (expectation; anticipation; hope)]
再現(さいげん)される to be reproduced [再現(さいげん) (reproduction; recreation; reenactment)]
心(こころ)をつかまれる to be touched; to be captured [つかまれる (to be grasped); passive form of つかむ (to catch; to grasp)]
ネタバレ spoiler; spoiling a story [shortened fromネタがバレる; ネタ(core of a story); バレる(to be exposed)]
揃(そろ)ってall together [adverb stemmed from 揃(そろ)う(to be all present; (all pieces) to be complete)]
この辺(へん)にしておく to leave it here [辺(へん) (area); この辺(へん) (around here; this vicinity); にしておく (to leave ~ as)]
平日(へいじつ) week day(s)
物語性(ものがたりせい) story theme; narrativity [物語 (story); 性 (nature; quality; -ness)]
取(と)り入(い)れる to adopt; to take in
動(どう)機(き) motivation; incentive
与(あた)える to give; to provide
冒険(ぼうけん)する to explore [冒険(ぼうけん) (exploration; adventure)]
ハマる to get hooked [slang for “to get addicted” but can be used in a good way as well; stemmed fromはまる to get stuck; to fall in (a ditch, trap etc.)]
続出(ぞくしゅつ)する to appear one after another
誇(ほこ)れる can proud [potential form of 誇(ほこ)る (to proud)]
超有名(ちょうゆうめい) super famous [超(ちょう) (super-; ultra-); 有名(ゆうめい) (famous)]
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Last time, Yumi talked about things she does on a daily basis. This time, she speaks about things she does occasionally and then things she would like to do in the future.
- こまめに frequently; diligently; regularly
- 大(おお)掃(そう)除(じ) major cleanup
- 掃(そう)除(じ)機(き) vacuum cleaner
- 拭(ふ)く to wipe
- 隅(すみ)っこ corner; recess [隅(すみ)っこ is casual or spoken language for 隅(すみ) (corner; recess)]
- 安息(あんそく)日(び)sabbath [安息(あんそく) (rest; relax)]
- 勧(すす)める to recommend; to advise; to encourage
- 美(び)容(よう) beauty; beautiful appearance; youthful appearance
- 幾(いく)つか some; several; few
- 解説(かいせつ) commentary; explanation
- 鋭(するど)く sharply; keenly
- 図(と)書(しょ)館(かん) library [図(と)書(しょ) (books; reading materials); 館(かん) (building)]
- 興味(きょうみ) interest
- 油(あぶら)絵(え) oil painting [油(あぶら)(oil); 絵(え) (picture; drawing)]
- 壁(かべ) wall
- 抽(ちゅう)象(しょう)画(が) abstract art [抽(ちゅう)象(しょう)(abstraction); 画(が) (drawing)]
- 飾(かざ)り decoration; ornament
- 金粉(きんぷん) gold dust [金 (gold); 粉 (power)]
- 近日(きんじつ)中(ちゅう) soon; in few days; one of these days [近(きん) (near); 中(ちゅう) (within)]
- 挑戦(ちょうせん) challenge; attempt; try; dare
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
In today’s episode, Yumi shares a few things she does every single day (or almost every day).
- 精神的(せいしんてき) psychological; mental; spiritual [精神(せいしん) (mind; spirit; soul); 的 suffix (-ical, -ive, -al, -ic,-y and etc.)]
- 専門的(せんもんてき) professional; [専門(せんもん) (specialty; expert; area of expertise)]
- 運動(うんどう)不(ぶ)足(そく) lack of physical exercise; inactivity [運動(うんどう) (physical exercise); 不(ふ) 足(そく) (insufficiency; deficiency; lack)]
- 解消(かいしょう) resolution; reduction [also “cancellation”]
- 見(み)回(まわ)りpatrolling
- 泥棒情報(どろぼうじょうほう) theft information (of the neighborhood) [泥棒(どろぼう) (thief; burglary; robbery); 情報(じょうほう) (information)]
- 意(い)外(がい)とunexpectedly; surprisingly [ 意(い) (idea; thought); 外(がい) (outside); 意(い)外(がい)に means the same but more formal]
- 筋肉(きんにく)トレーニング ; 筋肉(きんにく) (muscle)]
- 風邪(かぜ)を引(ひ)くto catch a cold [風邪(かぜ) (cold); 引(ひ)く(to catch;to pull) stemmed from “to pull a cold into the body”]
- 医(い)療(りょう)費(ひ) medical bill [医(い)療(りょう)(medical care); 費(ひ) (expense)]
- 維持(いじ)するto maintain; to retain; to sustain
- 断食(だんじき) fasting; fast [断(だん) (to cut; to refuse); 食(じき) (food)]
- 練習(れんしゅう)practice; training; exercise
- 記(き)憶力(おくりょく) ability to retain memory [記(き)憶(おく) (memory); 力(りょく) (ability; power; strength)]
- 回復(かいふく)する to recover; to recuperate; to restore
- 自己(じこ)肯定感(こうていかん) self-esteem; sense of self-approval [自己(じこ) (self); 肯定(こうてい) (affirmative; positive); 感(かん) (feeling)]
- 価値(かち) worth; value; merit
- 否(ひ)定(てい)する to deny; to negate
- 心配(しんぱい)性(しょう)nervous temperament; prone to worrying
- 楽観的(らっかんてき) optimistic; easy-going
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Yumi brought her family to Universal Studios in Orlando and couldn't help but compare the experience to her visit to Universal Studios in California more than two decades ago. Both the theme park and Yumi herself have undergone significant transformations since then.
- 遠足(えんそく) school trip; field trip
- 揃(そろ)って all together [揃(そろ)う(to make a full set; to be all present)]
- 街並(まちな)み cityscape [街(まち) (city; town); 並(な)み (row or line of houses)]
- 再現(さいげん) recreation; reenactment; reproduction [再(さい) (again); 現(げん) (appearance)]
- 噴(ふ)くto emit; to spout; to flush
- 人混(ひとご)み crowd of people [混(こ)み (mix; blend)]
- 避(さ)ける to avoid
- 吐(は)き気(け)を催(もよお)する to feel nauseated [吐(は)き気(け) (nausea); 催(もよお)する (to feel; to hold)]
- 収(おさ)まる to settle down; to fit into
- 効(き)く to be effective
- 炭酸飲料(たんさんいんりょう) carbonated drink [炭酸(たんさん) (carbonic acid); 飲料(いんりょう) (beverage)]
- 普(ふ)段(だん) normally; normal
- 仕(し)方(かた)がない there is no (other) way
- 足元(あしもと) one’s feet
- 激(はげ)しく揺(ゆ)れる to swing violently [激(はげ)しく(violently); 揺(ゆ)れる (to shake)]
- 休憩(きゅうけい)を挟(はさ)む to take a break in-between [休憩(きゅうけい) (break; rest); 挟(はさ)む (to put in-between)]
- 乗(の)り物(もの)酔(よ)い motion sickness [乗(の)り物(もの) (vehicle; ride); 酔い (intoxication; motion sickness)]
- 若干(じゃっかん) somewhat
- ~する訳(わけ)ではない it’s not that ~ [訳(やく) (reason)]
- 締(し)め付(つ)ける to tighten; to fasten tight
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Yumi is worried about inflation. Everything is more expensive. Still, she maintains a positive outlook with affirmations and positive thinking. Even when bad things happen, there is always something to be grateful for.
- 必死(ひっし)に with one’s best effort; work very hard to do something; with one’s best effort; desperately
- 節約(せつやく)する save money
- 食(しょく)費(ひ) food expense
- 電(でん)気(き)代(だい) electricity bill [電(でん)気(き) (electricity); 代(だい) (charge; fee; substitute)]
- 便乗(びんじょう)値(ね)上(あ)げ piggyback price increase [便乗(びんじょう)(getting a ride; getting on the bandwagon); 値(ね)上(あ)げ (price increase)]
- 機(き)能(のう) function
- 高級(こうきゅう)な high-end; high-class; luxury [高(こう) (high);級(きゅう) (class)]
- 値引(ねび)き discount; price reduction [値(ね) (price); 引(び)きnoun form of 引(ひ)く(to pull); sound changes from 引(ひ)き to 引(び)き when combined with other word in front of it]
- 必需品(ひつじゅひん) essentials; necessity
- 冷(ひ)や汗(あせ) cold sweat [冷(ひ)や (cold; chilled); 汗(あせ) (sweat)]
- 順調(じゅんちょう) nice and steady; doing good
- 絶望感(ぜつぼうかん) sense of despair [絶望(ぜつぼう) (despair; hopelessness); 感(かん) (feeling; emotion; sensation)]
- 満(み)たされる be filled with [normally used with a very positive emotion. it actually sounds humorous for this word to be used with 絶望感(ぜつぼうかん) (despair)]
- 貯金(ちょきん) savings [貯(ちょ) (to store); 金(きん) (money)]
- 引(ひ)き寄(よ)せの法則(ほうそく) law of attraction [引(ひ)き寄(よ)せ to draw or pull (something) toward; 法則(ほうそく) (rule; law)]
- 潜在(せんざい)意(い)識(しき) subconsciousness [潜在(せんざい) (latent); 意(い)識(しき) (consciousness)]
- 浸透(しんとう)するpermeate [permeation; soaking]
- 科(か)学的根拠(がくてきこんきょ) scientific foundation [科(か)学的(がくてき) (scientific); 根拠(こんきょ) (basis; grounds; foundation; reason)]
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