A weekly podcast for upper beginner to intermediate learners of Japanese. Listen to Yumi talk about... whatever she wants to talk about. Practice your listening comprehension with natural (howbeit slightly slowed down) Japanese on various topics such as Japanese culture, fun idioms, and, of course, cats. The episodes can be enjoyed in any order. -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript and a list of key vocabulary. www.MakotoPlus.com
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Nihongo no Tane 156 ピーマン Bell Peppers | Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Monday Jun 24, 2024
Ever wondered why Japanese kids dislike piman more than broccoli? Find out on this new episode of "Nihongo no Tane" as Yumi delves into the fascinating world of vegetables and their cultural significance. Don't miss this entertaining and educational episode!
- ピーマン bell pepper [ピーマン is a transliteration of "piment," the French word for pepper. In Japanese, it specifically refers to the green bell pepper.]
- 母語(ぼご) native language [母語(ぼご) consists of 母 (mother) and 語 (language). Together, they mean "native language" or "mother tongue."]
- ゲラゲラ笑(わら)います laugh loudly [ゲラゲラ is an onomatopoeia for loud, hearty laughter, and 笑(わら)います is the polite form of 笑(わら)う (to laugh).]
- 唐辛子(とうがらし) chili pepper [唐辛子(とうがらし) is made up of 唐 (Tang dynasty, here used to mean China) and 辛子(からし) (spicy, pepper). Together, they refer to chili pepper.]
- 説(せつ) theory [説(せつ) means "theory" or "explanation."]
- 由来(ゆらい) origin [由来(ゆらい) means "origin" or "source."]
- 言(い)われている said to be [言(い)われている is the passive form of 言(い)う (to say), meaning "it is said" or "is said to be."]
- 一番近(いちばんちか)い closest [一番近(いちばんちか)い consists of 一番(いちばん) (number one; the most) and 近(ちか)い (close), meaning "closest."]
- 代表(だいひょう) representative [代表(だいひょう) means "representative" or "representation."]
- 日本語版(にほんごばん) Japanese version [日本語版(にほんごばん) consists of 日本語(にほんご) (Japanese language) and 版(はん) (version), meaning "Japanese version."]
- 入(い)れ替(か)えられていた replaced [入(い)れ替(か)えられていた is the passive past form of 入(い)れ替(か)える (to replace), meaning "had been replaced."]
- 嫌(きら)われている disliked [嫌(きら)われている is the passive form of 嫌(きら)う (to dislike), meaning "is disliked."]
- 設定(せってい) setting [設定(せってい) means "setting" or "configuration."]
- 伝(つた)わった was introduced [伝(つた)わった is the past form of 伝(つた)わる (to be introduced; to be transmitted), meaning "was introduced."]
- この頃(ごろ) during this period; these days
- 一般的(いっぱんてき)に generally [一般的(いっぱんてき)に is an adverbial form of 一般的(いっぱんてき) (general), meaning "generally."]
- 食卓(しょくたく) dining table [食卓(しょくたく) consists of 食(しょく) (meal) and 卓(たく) (table), together meaning "dining table."]
- 食(た)べられていました was eaten [食(た)べられていました is the past passive form of 食(た)べる (to eat), meaning "was eaten."]
- 肉詰(にくづ)め stuffed with meat [肉詰(にくづ)め is made up of 肉(にく) (meat) and 詰(つ)め (stuffed), referring to something stuffed with meat.]
- 比(くら)べると compared to [比(くら)べると is the conditional form of 比(くら)べる (to compare), meaning "when compared to."]
- 調理法(ちょうりほう) cooking method [調理法(ちょうりほう) consists of 調理(ちょうり) (cooking) and 法(ほう) (method), meaning "cooking method."]
- 食育(しょくいく) food education [食育(しょくいく) consists of 食(しょく) (food) and 育(いく) (education), together meaning "food education."]
- ないんじゃないかな don't think so [ないんじゃないかな is a casual form of expressing doubt, meaning "I don't think so."]
- 以上(いじょう) more than; above
- 太(ふと)りすぎ overweight [太(ふと)りすぎ consists of 太(ふと)る (to gain weight) and すぎ (too much), meaning "overweight."]
- 負(ま)けずに not losing [負(ま)けずに is the negative form of 負(ま)ける (to lose), meaning "without losing" or "not losing."]
- した方(ほう)がいい should do [した方(ほう)がいい is a suggestion form of する (to do), meaning "should do."]
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Monday May 20, 2024
Nihongo no Tane 155 スペイン語 Spanish | Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
What happens when Yumi decides to tackle Spanish through English? Find out on this new episode of “Nihongo no Tane” as she shares the funny and challenging moments of her language learning journey. Tune in and join the adventure!
- 何(なに)かと one thing or another
- バタバタしている to be very busy doing different things [a phrase used to describe someone is very busy by moving around doing things constantly. バタバタ is onomatopoeia which is mimicking sounds of a person who is making noise by moving around doing things]
- 録音(ろくおん)する to record (audio) [録音(ろくおん) (recording)]
- ~という気(き)持(も)ちになれません don’t feel like doing ~ [literally, “can’t become the mood of ~”;という (used as connector linking modifying phrase and a noun that is modified); 気(き)持(も)ち (feeling; mood); になれません (“can’t become”; polite potential form of polite form of になれない (can’t become))]
- 何(なに)も文(もん)句(く)はない (I) have no complaint; there is no complaint [何(なに)も (“(not) at all” when used in a negative phrase); 文(もん)句(く) (complaint; objection); はない (there is no ~)]
- 心配事(しんぱいごと) worries; troubles [something that troubles or worries one’s mind]
- 忘(わす)れちゃいます end up forgetting; forget unfortunately [contraction of 忘(わす)れてしまいます and it’s very casual; ちゃいます (contracted form てしまいます); note: (忘(わす)れ)ちゃう is contraction of (忘(わす)れ)てしまう]
- 韓国(かんこく)語(ご) Korean language [韓国(かんこく) (Korea); 語(ご) (language)]
- ~ということで since/because/ as it is the case that ~; it is the case that ~ and [という (modifying connector); こと (it means “case”, “situation” or “fact”); で (て-form of だ/です) used to connect to the next phrase. It can be translated as “because/since/ as” or “and” as conjunctive]
- ~たばかりjust (moved to US) [“plain past form V + ばかり” means “just did ~”/”has just done ~”]
- 変(か)わりよう the way/manner of (her) change [変(か)わり (“change”; noun form of 変(か)わる (to change); よう (look; appearance; manner; circumstance))]
- っていう感(かん)じで (she) was like ~ and [っていう(casual for “という”); で (て-form of だ/です to continue to the next phrase)]
- 和気(わき)あいあいと very happily; cheerfully; lively [和気(わき)あいあいdescribes the way people are interacting enjoying each other’s company in a lively and cheerful atmosphere; と (making the preceding phrase adverbial form)]
- ~たところ when (I) did ~; after (I) did ~ [“plain past form V + ところ”]
- ~た途(と)端(たん) as soon as doing ~ [“plain past V + 途(と)端(たん)”]
- 教(おし)えてもらえる can receive teaching; can have (someone) teach (me) [“て-form V + もらう” means “to have someone do something for you (or someone else)”); 教(おし)えて (て-form of 教(おし)える (to teach); もらえる (potential form of もらう))]
- というふうに (言(い)ってくれまして) said that ~ [“いうふうに” is sort of extra and can be omitted as in “と(言(い)ってくれまして)”. However, Yumi obviously summarized what her husband said instead of quoting him exactly, therefore というふうに is used to give a sense of “(he said) along the line of such and such”]
- ~じゃないかなと思(おも)います (I) think it might be that ~; I think that ~ [じゃないか (casual forではないか (isn’t that ~?)); な (emphatic particle used at the end of one’s own idea or thought, but it also add softness); と思(おも)います (I think that)]
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Monday Mar 18, 2024
Nihongo no Tane 154: 歯医者さん The Dentist | Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday Mar 18, 2024
Monday Mar 18, 2024
In this episode of her podcast, Yumi shares her personal story of dental discovery and recovery, emphasizing the vital role of dental care in our lives and the resilience needed to overcome oral health hurdles. Listen to this episode and let us know if you had some experience like this!
- 歯(は)医(い)者(しゃ) - dentist [歯(は) (tooth); 医(い)者(しゃ) (physician; medical doctor)]
- 別(べつ)の件(けん) - another matter; another case [別(べつ) (another; separate); 件(けん) (matter; case)]
- 診(み)てもらう to be seen/ to be examined (by a doctor) [診(み)て (て-form of 診(み)る (to examine medically); ~てもらう means “to get/ to have ~ done” which indicates one is receiving help or service from someone)]
- 被(かぶ)せ物(もの) - crown (dental terminology)
- 取(と)りかえる- to replace
- 嚙(か)み合(あ)わせ – bite [嚙(か)み (from 嚙(か)む (to bite; to clench)) + 合(あ)わせ (noun form of 合(あ)わせる(to match; to place together))]
- 型(かた)を取(と)る – take an impression (for teeth)
- 知(ち)覚(かく)過(か)敏(びん)- sensory sensitivity [知(ち)覚(かく) (perception of physical senses); 過(か)敏(びん) (hypersensitivity)]
- 我(が)慢(まん) - tolerance; endurance; bearing; patience
- まな板(いた) cutting board
- 暴(あば)れようが声(こえ)を出(だ)そうが no matter how much struggle or scream [~ようが means “no matter how much ~”or “even if (one) does ~”;暴(あば)れよう(plain volitional form of 暴(あば)れる (to act violently; to struggle) + が (however; but)); 声(こえ)を出(だ)そう (plain volitional form of 声(こえ)を出(だ)す (to speak; to vocalize) + が (however; but))]
- 命(いのち)を握(にぎ)られる one’s life is in the hands (of someone); one’s life is at the mercy of [命(いのち) (life); 握(にぎ)られる (“to be held”; passive form of 握(にぎ)る (to grip; to clasp; to hold; to seize (power)))]
- 情(なさ)けない- miserable; pitiable; shameful; pathetic
- 姿(すがた) - appearance; image; figure; state [In the context of competitions or contests]
- 麻(ま)酔(すい)の注射(ちゅうしゃ) - anesthetic injection/shot [麻(ま)酔(すい) (anesthesia); の (of); 注射(ちゅうしゃ) (injection; shot)]
- 歯(は)ぎしり– teeth grinding [歯(は) (tooth; teeth); きしり(grinding; creaking)]
- 食(く)いしばりclenching
- 市(し)販(はん)の – store-bought; over the counter [市(し) (market); 販(はん) (selling)]
- 仕(し)方(かた)ない – there is no other way; there no alternative
- 随分(ずいぶん)- very; extremely; quite
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Monday Feb 26, 2024
Nihongo no Tane 153: クラシック音楽 Classical Music | Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday Feb 26, 2024
Monday Feb 26, 2024
In this episode of her podcast, Yumi delves into the profound impact of classical music on personal growth, inspired by violin prodigy Yoshimura Himari's mesmerizing performances. She beautifully narrates her own musical journey and the unexpected ways a popular manga stirred a friend's ambition to master Chopin, weaving a narrative that celebrates the transformative power of art and inspiration. Listen to this episode and let us know if you had some experience like this!
- 聴(き)く - to listen to (music)
- 演奏(えんそう) - music performance
- ハマってしまった – got hooked; ended up getting hooked [ハマって (て-form ofハマる/はまる (to get hooked)); しまった(past form of しまう(to end up with ~))]
- ~というわけです - ~ is what happened; ~ is the reason (for it) [this expression is used to explain a background which lead to a decision or an outcome]
- きっかけ - opportunity; occasion [an initial opportunity or situation that leads someone or something to something else]
- ~を習(なら)う to take lessons in
- 中級(ちゅうきゅう) - intermediate level [中(ちゅう) (middle; intermediate); 級(きゅう) (grade; class; level)]
- 吹奏楽(すいそうがく)部(ぶ) brass band club [吹奏(すいそう) (wind instrument); 楽(がく) (music); 部(ぶ) (school club)]
- 地(じ)元(もと)福(ふく)井(い)県(けん) - (my) home region, Fukui prefecture [地(じ)元(もと) (local area); 福(ふく)井(い)県(けん) (Fukui prefecture)]
- 行進曲(こうしんきょく) marching band music [行進(こうしん) (march; parade); 曲(きょく) (music)]
- 全国大会(ぜんこくたいかい) - national competition [全(ぜん) (all; whole); 国(こく) (country); 大会(たいかい) (competition; convention)]
- 序曲(じょきょく) - overture
- ~作曲(さっきょく) - composed by ~ [作(さく) (make); 曲(きょく)(piece of music); 作曲(さっきょく) means “composition (of music)”]
- 懐(なつ)かしい nostalgic [an adjective that describes a feeling one feel when reminiscing about good memories]
- 青春(せいしゅん) - youth; one’s youthful days; time of adolescence; the springtime of one's life [literally, “blue spring”]
- 流行(はや)る - to be popular; to come into fashion [流行(りゅうこう)する is a very similar word but is mainly used for fashion or cold & flue.]
- (を)目指(めざ)す - to aim to become ~ [also “to aim a location as a goal to get to”
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Monday Feb 19, 2024
Nihongo no Tane 152: 神童(しんどう)Child Prodigy | Japanese Immersion podcast
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Have you ever heard the term "神童" (shindou)? It refers to child prodigy, and this time, Yumi will talk about it. Listen to the podcast and let us know what you think about it in the comments below!
- 神童(しんどう) child prodigy; genius; wonder child [神(しん) (god); 童(どう) (child)]
- 大(おと)人(な)に負(ま)けない as good as adults; comparable to adults; unyielding to adult; unbeatable by adult [literally, “unbeatable by adults”; 大(おと)人(な) (adult); に(to; against); 負(ま)けない (unbeatable; unyielding); a fixed phrase which is used when describing young child of high skill or strength]
- 理(り)解(かい)力(りょく) ability to understand; comprehension; ability [理解(りかい) (understanding; comprehension); 力(りょく) (power; ability)]
- めちゃくちゃ incredibly; really; super (when used as adverb)
- 何(なに)気(げ)なくunintentionally; inadvertently; casually
- 大(おと)人(な)でも難(むずか)しい difficult even for grownups; even grownups would struggle
- コンクール competition; contest
- 審査員(しんさいん) judge
- 感想(かんそう) comment
- 特別(とくべつ)賞(しょう) special award; special prize
- 受(う)け答(こた)え (her) answer (in the interview) [literally, “receiving answering” which means “answering to the question that were received”. 受(う)け答(こた)え doesn’t only mean “the answer” which was spoken but also means the way one carries herself or himself in the whole conversation as well]
- 立(りっ)派(ぱ) splendid; elegant; impressive; fine
- 教育(きょういく)が行(ゆ)き届(とど)いている well educated in every way (by her parents) [教育(きょういく) (education); 行(ゆ)き届(とど)いている (ているcontinuous form of 行(ゆ)き届(とど)く(to be complete; to be through); ている here is indicating state of “well educated”, not an ongoing action)]
- バイオリンバカ violin fanatic; violin nut; violin enthusiast [バイオリン (violin); バカ (“fool/ idiot” is used as suffix which means “fanatic” or “enthusiast”)]
- 鼻(はな)が高(たか)い very proud [literally, “one’s nose is tall”; it is used when parents are proud of his/her child or a teacher being proud of their students]
- 出来過(できす)ぎてしまう overly capable; too intelligent; too good (in a lot of things) [ 出来過(できす)ぎて(て-form of 出来過(できす)ぎる (出来(でき)る (can) + 過(す)ぎる (beyond; surpass)); しまう(to be ~ unfortunately; to end up ~))]
- 助(たす)けてあげないといけない must help; should help; unavoidable to help; absolutely necessary to help [literally, “it’s not good if (her parents) don’t help”; 助(たす)けてあげない (negative of 助(たす)けてあげる; あげるindicates providing the action(helping)); と (if); いけない (not good); “~ないといけない” is “must do ~”]
- 同年代(どうねんだい) same generation [同 (same); 年代 (age; era)]
- 話(はなし)が 合(あ)わない to have different interest [Literally, “talk don’t match” which means “not able to engage in the same subjects” which really means “can’t have close relationship” or “can’t get along”]
- ~ならではの unique to ~ [~ならでは (unique to ~); の (“of”; connecting the words before and after it)]
- 思(おも)いやりconsideration; compassion; understanding (of others situation or emotion)
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
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Monday Jan 29, 2024
Monday Jan 29, 2024
Happy New Year! (Better late than never, right?). This year started not too good in Japan, with an earthquake and a plane crushing. So, this time Yumi will talk about it. Have you ever been in an earthquake? Let us know in the comments below!
- 石川県(いしかわけん)能登(のと)半島(はんとう) the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture [石川県(いしかわけん) (Ishikawa Prefecture); 能登(のと) (Noto); 半島(はんとう) (peninsula)]
- 炎上(えんじょう)事故(じこ) crash that ended in inferno [炎上(えんじょう)(going up in flames); 事故(じこ) (accident; crash)]
- 海上(かいじょう)保(ほ)安(あん)庁(ちょう) Japan Coast Guard [海上(かいじょう) (maritime; sea service)保(ほ)安(あん)庁(ちょう)(National Security Agency)]
- 無事(ぶじ) no damage; unharmed; safety; security
- 奇(き)跡(せき) miracle
- 慌(あわ)ただしい constantly busy (with many events); whirlwind; fast-paced
- 慌(あわ)てない (です) don’t/ doesn’t panic [negative form of 慌(あわ)てる (to panic; to haste; to fluster)]
- 収(おさ)まる to quiet down; to calm down; to settle
- 冷静(れいせい) cool; composed; cool-headed [冷(れい) (cool; cold); 静(せい) (quiet; still)]
- 山(やま)津(つ)波(なみ) landslide; earthflow [山(やま) (mountain; hill); 津(つ)波(なみ) (tsunami; tidal wave); also called “山(やま)崩(くず)れ (landslide)”]
- ガスの元栓(もとせん) main valve of gas pipe/tank [majority of Japanese household use the propane gas or the city gas for cooking and possibly heating water]
- 訓練(くんれん) training; discipline; drill; practice
- うち履(ば)き indoor shoes [うち (inside); 履(ば)き (“foot wear”; noun form of 履(は)く (to wear/to put on (shoes)); also called 上履(うわば)き or ルームシューズ)]
- 散乱(さんらん)している is scattered around [from 散(さん)乱(らん)する (to scatter around; to scatter); (て)いる here indicates a state/condition of “glass pieces scattered around”)]
- 裸足(はだし) barefoot
- 来(きた)るべきして来(き)た ought have come (by now); due to come [literally, “came because it had to come”; a fixed phrase that sounds literary, archaic and formal to modify some occurrence that happened which was destined to happen in the hindsight; 来(きた)るべき (“should come”); して (as); 来(き)た (“has come”)]
- 南海(なんかい)トラフ巨大(きょだい)地(じ)震(しん) Nankai Trough mega earthquake [南海(なんかい) (Nankai);トラフ (trough); 巨大(きょだい) (mega; colossal; jumbo); 地(じ)震(しん) (earthquake)]
- 潜(もぐ)り込(こ)んでいる is slipping under [the continuous form of 潜(もぐ)り込(こ)む (to slip under)]
- ひずみ distortion; skewness; strain
- 跳(は)ね返(かえ)る bounce back; spring back; recoil [compound verb of 跳(は)ねる (jump; bounce) and 返(かえ)る (return; revert; turn back)]
- 100年(ねん)間隔(かんかく)で in 100 year interval [間隔(かんかく) (interval; space (in between); distance); で (in)]
- 耐震(たいしん)化(か) earthquake-proofing [耐震(たいしん)化(か) (earthquake-proofing; earthquake-resistant; earthquake-ready; 耐(たい) (resist; endure); 震(しん) (shake); 化(か) (“-ization”; “-ification”) is a suffix that means “to change into ~”)]
- 固(こ)定(てい)しておくhave (furniture) to be fastened/anchored [固(こ)定(てい)して (て-form of 固(こ)定(てい)する (to fasten; to anchor; to fix); (て)おくmeans “to have ~ done in advance for preparation of something)]
- 時(じ)限(げん)爆弾(ばくだん) ticking bomb; time bomb [時(じ)限(げん) (time- programed); 爆弾(ばくだん) (bomb)]
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Let’s talk about sleep! This time, Yumi will talk about her sleeping time, what she was doing when she woke up during the night (and now she stopped!) and how daylight saving times could affect your life or the life of your pet. Listen this episode and let us know what you think!
- 寝付(ねつ)きがいい easy to fall asleep; to fall asleep quickly [寝付(ねつ)き (falling asleep) indicates “how quickly/easily one normally can fall asleep”; 寝付(ねつ)き is the noun form of 寝付(ねつ)く (to fall asleep)]
- 周(まわ)りpeople close (to me); people around (me) [周(まわ)りis “vicinity” or “surroundings” and can be used to mean “people around someone”]
- びっくりされる to have people to get surprised (about me falling asleep so fast) [passive form of びっくりする (to be surprised); the speaker (Yumi) being the receiver of people’s surprise about her falling asleep so fast]
- 夜(よ)中(なか) midnight; middle of the night
- 動(どう)画(が) video
- 平均(へいきん) average
- 大丈(だいじょう)夫(ぶ) fine; okay
- 随分(ずいぶん) considerably; fairly; very
- ズレ deviation; shift; discrepancy [noun form of ズレる (to shift; to deviate; to slide; to slip off; to be out of alignment)]
- 意(い)外(がい)とunexpectedly [意(い) (thoughts); 外(がい) (outside)]
- 逆転(ぎゃくてん) reversal [逆(ぎゃく) (reverse; opposite); 転(てん) (turning)]
- 時差(じさ) time difference
- 仕(し)方(かた)がない no other choice; nothing one can do [literally “there is no means (to cope)”]
- 初頭(しょとう) beginning (of a century, etc.)
- 節約(せつやく) saving
- 発想(はっそう) idea; concept [noun form of 発想(はっそう)する (conceptualize; to come up with ideas)]
- 愛犬(あいけん) beloved dog
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
What do you eat during the day? Listen to the podcast and find out the new diet Yumi is doing!
- 実際(じっさい)に actually; really; truly; indeed
- 具体的(ぐたいてき)に specifically; in detail [具体的 (specific); に (“-ly”; makes the preceding word into adverb form)]
- 薄(うす)める to dilute; to thin
- 炒(いた)め物(もの) stir-fry; stir-fried food [炒(いた)め (fry; broil; roast); 物(もの) (thing; item)]
- 物足(ものた)りなさそうseeming not enough; seeming unsatisfied [物足りな is from 物足りない (not enough; not satisfied); “さ” is necessary between “~な(い)” and そう (seemingly)]
- 以(い)前(ぜん)は before; prior to [“as for before”]
- 冷凍食品(れいとうしょくひん) frozen food [冷凍(れいとう) (frozen; freezing);食品(しょくひん) (food; food products)]
- めんどくさい bothersome; tiresome; cumbersome [shortened from めんどうくさい and sounds more casual]
- 温(あたた)めておいて warm (them) up for me [温(あたた)めて from 温(あたた)める (to reheat; to warm up); おいて is て-from of (て)おく (to have ~ in a certain condition); て-form is often used when asking to do something in very casual situations]
- 新鮮(しんせん)な fresh
- 野(や)菜(さい) vegetables
- 小(こ)麦(むぎ)食品(しょくひん) wheat-based food products [小(こ)麦(むぎ) (wheat); 食品(しょくひん) (food products)]
- 自家(じか)製(せい) homemade [自家(じか) (one’s own house); 製(せい) (“-made”; made in)]
- 立(りっ)派(ぱ)な credible; fine; undeniable
- 健康(けんこう)オタク health geek [健康(けんこう) (health); オタク (geek; nerd; enthusiast)]
- 生(しょう)姜(が) ginger
- 薄(うす)切(ぎ)りthin slice [薄 (thin); 切り(cut; noun form of 切(き)る (to cut))]
- 炭酸水(たんさんすい) carbonated water [炭酸(たんさん) (carbonic acid); 水(すい) (water)]
- 風邪(かぜ) cold; flu
- 予(よ)防(ぼう) prevention
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Nihongo no Tane 148: 腸活 Keeping the Gut Health | Japanese Immersion podcast
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Thursday Jan 04, 2024
Yumi continues her talking about the changes she made in her life. What do you think of these changes? Listen to the podcast to know all the changes she made!
- 大腸(だいちょう)カメラcolonoscopy [大腸(だいちょう) (large intestine; colon)]
- がん cancer
- ポリープ polyp
- 麻(ま)酔(すい) anesthesia [麻(ま) (hemp; flax); 酔(すい) (drunk)]
- 痛(いた)くもかゆくもない “it’s no concern at all” or “it has no effect on me whatsoever” [literally, “it’s neither painful nor itchy”]
- 固(こ)形(けい) solid [固(こ) (harden); 形(けい) (form; shape)]
- 一切(いっさい) absolutely (not); entirely (not)
- 下(げ)剤(ざい) laxative
- ずいぶん very; considerably; awfully
- 申(もう)し訳(わけ)ない I’m sorry [literally, “(it’s) inexcusable”; 申(もう)し訳(わけ) (excuse); ない (not)]
- 腸内(ちょうない) inside of colon [腸(ちょう) (intestine); 内(ない) (inside)]
- 順調(じゅんちょう)に steadily; smoothly
- 溜(た)まる to accumulate
- 着替(きが)えをする to get changed [着替(きが)え (changing of clothes)]
- 腸活(ちょうかつ) intestinal activities; promoting activity of the intestines]
- 食物(しょくもつ)繊(せん)維(い) dietary fiber [食物(しょくもつ) (food); 繊(せん)維(い) (fiber)]
- 発酵食品(はっこうしょくひん) fermented food [発酵(はっこう) (fermentation); 食品(しょくひん) (food)]
- 加(か)工(こう)食品(しょくひん) processed food [加(か)工(こう) (processing)]
- 整(ととの)う (environment) is prepared for; put in order for; becomes conducive for
- 増々(ますます) increasingly; more and more; even more
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
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Monday Nov 27, 2023
Nihongo no Tane 147: 階段(かいだん) Stairstepper
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
Have you tried stair stepper? Listen to Yumi to know why is she doing it and how it helped her to be in better shape.
- 階段(かいだん) stair; stairway
- 目標(もくひょう) goal; objective; target
- 心臓(しんぞう) heart
- 心臓(しんぞう)が口(くち)から飛(と)び出(だ)す one’s heart pops out of the chest [it’s a saying that describes bodily feeling where one’s heart is beating so fast due to physical exertion or extreme nervousness that it almost feels as if the heart is about to pop out the mouth]
- ~うちに while doing ~
- ~を目指(めざ)す to aim for ~
- 汗(あせ)のかき具(ぐ)合(あい) sweating condition; the way of sweating [汗(あせ)のかき from 汗(あせ)をかく (to sweat);具(ぐ)合(あい) (condition; the way of (sweating))]
- 息(いき)は切(き)れる be out of breath [usually 息(いき)が切(き)れる; 息(いき) (breath); 切(き)れる (to run out)]
- 負(ふ)担(たん) burden
- 足(あし)腰(こし) one’s area of legs, hips lower back [足(あし) (legs); 腰(こし) (hip; lower back); it refers to the whole lower part of body that supports the upper body for one to be able to move around]
- 歩(ある)き回(まわ)る to walk around [compound word; 歩(ある)き (ます-stem of 歩(ある)く(to walk) + 回(まわ)る (to go around))]
- ~に対応(たいおう)できない unable to cope with ~ [対応(たいおう)する (to respond; to cope)]
- 血糖(けっとう)値(ち) blood sugar level [血(けつ) (blood); 糖(とう) (sugar); 値(ち) (value; worth)]
- 飢餓(きが) starvation; hunger
- 溜(た)めてある脂(し)肪(ぼう) accumulated fat; fat that has been saved up [溜(た)める (to accumulate); (て)ある (to have something done for a reason)]
- ~に向(む)いていない not suited for ~; not suitable for ~ [~に向(む)く(to suited for ~); (て)いない (negative of (~て)いる which indicates a condition/situation)]
- 安静(あんせい) rest
- 宇(う)宙(ちゅう)飛(ひ)行(こう)士(し) astronaut [宇宙 (universe; cosmos; space); 飛(ひ)行(こう)士(し) (pilot; airman)]
- 無(む)重力(じゅうりょく) no gravity; weightlessness [無(む) (“non-“); 重力(じゅうりょく) (gravity)]
- 食(た)べさせてもらう to be assisted to eat (food) [食(た)べさせて isて-form of 食(た)べさせる (to feed; to assist someone eat; to make someone eat); (~て)もらう means “to have someone do ~ for oneself”)]
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
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