A weekly podcast for upper beginner to intermediate learners of Japanese. Listen to Yumi talk about... whatever she wants to talk about. Practice your listening comprehension with natural (howbeit slightly slowed down) Japanese on various topics such as Japanese culture, fun idioms, and, of course, cats. The episodes can be enjoyed in any order. -- Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript and a list of key vocabulary. www.MakotoPlus.com
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Nihongo to Tane 46: お買い物 Shopping | Japanese Immersion
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
After nearly a year and a half, Yumi finally went somewhere more than an hour from her house. Disney Springs. There, she did some shopping and realized our shopping habits have changed over the years.
Listen to the podcast and then take the quiz on the episode's webpage:
お買い物 Shopping
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript, translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF.
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Nihongo to Tane 45: 細かい Attention to details | Japanese Immersion
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
How do you say the number 1 in Japanese? In English, there is "one" but in Japanese, well, it depends. Do you mean one cup? One person? One book or…? There are too many ones in Japanese. Yumi thinks this attention to details is common among Japanese.
Listen to the podcast and then take the quiz on the episode's webpage:
細かい Attention to details
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript, translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF.
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Nihongo to Tane 44: 汚い言葉 dirty words in Japanese | Japanese Immersion
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
English has plenty of four-letter-words. Dirty words. Words you ought not to say in polite company. But what about Japanese? Today, Yumi looks at how few—if any—dirty words there are in Japanese. Of course, using the wrong politeness level in certain situations can be more rude than any English four-letter-word!
Listen to the podcast and then take the quiz on the episode's webpage:
汚い言葉 dirty words in Japanese
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript, translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF.
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Nihongo to Tane 43: 雑談 small talk; chit chat | Japanese Immersion
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
What's the hardest part about having a conversation in a foreign language? Yumi believes it is 「雑談」 zatsudan (small talk; chit-chat) and I think she's right. Listen as she talks about this difficult but everyday situation and how to improve your abilities.
Listen to the podcast and then take the quiz on the episode's webpage:
雑談 small talk; chit chat
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript, translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF.
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Nihongo to Tane 42: ピアノのABC The ABCs of the Piano | Japanese Immersion
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Middle C is the first thing piano students in the US learn. But in Japan, it is different—at least it was when Yumi was a little girl.
Listen to the podcast and then take the quiz on the episode's webpage:
ピアノのABC The ABCs of the Piano
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript, translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF.
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Nihongo to Tane 41: ピアノとあれ! Piano and "are!" | Japanese Immersion
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
"Are!" That thing. You know… that "are." Do you ever have trouble remembering a word or name? Listen as Yumi explains one method that has helped her improve her memory and reduced the number of "are" in conversation.
Listen to the podcast and then take the quiz on the episode's webpage:
ピアノとあれ! Piano and "are!"
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript, translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF.
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
There's one thing that Yumi always does before starting a project, studying, or doing work. That is cleaning. She needs to have a clean desk to get a proper start. How about you?
Listen to the podcast and then take the quiz on the episode's webpage:
その前に掃除 Before that, clean up!
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript, translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF.
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Nihongo to Tane 39: あきらめないで Don't give up! | Japanese Immersion Podcast
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Sunday Jun 06, 2021
Don't give up! That's Yumi's message for us today. Recently, her electric well suddenly stopped working. That meant no water for the house which means no toilets, washing clothes, or drinking water. Just when they were about to call the well specialists, she decided to try one more thing…
Listen to the podcast and then take the quiz on the episode's webpage:
あきらめないで Don't give up!
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript, translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF.
Sunday May 30, 2021
Nihongo to Tane 38: 追憶 Reminiscence | Japanese Immersion Podcast
Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
Recently, Yumi heard a friend sing a song in Spanish. What's this? She immediately recognized it as a song she learned while in school in Japan. Listen as Yumi explains why Japanese songs are so beautiful.
Listen to the podcast and then take the quiz on the episode's webpage:
追憶 Reminiscence
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript, translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF.
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Last week, Yumi let us know she recently started practicing piano again. She really enjoys it. Now. But when she was younger, she didn't practice much because it wasn't enjoyable to her. Listen as Yumi gives a few words of advice about how to learn to like something you don't currently like.
Listen to the podcast and then take the quiz on the episode's webpage:
嫌いなものを好きになる Learning to Like what You Don't Like
For upper beginners to intermediates. Listen to the short podcast and then answer the comprehension questions on the website: https://thejapanesepage.com/nihongonotane-index/
Take a quiz on this episode here:
If you are a Makoto+ member, you can find the transcript, English translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF for printing:
Become a Makoto+ member and get show notes with a complete transcript, translation, key vocabulary, and a downloadable PDF.